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Pet Training Results - California, United States

BrightCare Animal ER

Category: Pet Services

BrightCare Animal ER has a team of experienced emergency  veterinarians led by a critical care specialist to help your pet during emergency situations.  We have

Man-K9 - San Diego Dog Training

Category: Pet Services

Unparalleled Experience and Expertise in K-9 Training. We are professionals. We have dedicated our lives to the study of canine behavior and training. We are not backyard

San Diego, California, 92109-1609, United States

Marvel K9 Dog Training Academy

Position: CEO

Dog training for us is not about ‘making’ your dog act a certain way. It is about building a bond where your dog ‘chooses’ to act appropriately in all circumstances!

Temecula, CA, USA, California, 92592, United States

Orion Dog Training

Category: Pet Services

Dieuwke (Dee-you-kuh) van der Velde, certified positive reinforcement trainer through Animal Behavior College, interned at Humane Society of Silicon Valley. With a background

1770 Hester Ave San Jose California 95126, California, United States

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