This remote job is for social media enthusiasts like you who'd love to earn an income. If you use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., you can apply for this job. A children's toys-making company is looking for ordinary people from India to manage their social media accounts on their behalf of them. All you need to do is download premade content (mainly photos) and post it on the social media account provided to you.
Job title: Manage posting photos on social media for a toy selling company and pocket $200 per day.
Job description: As I said, a toy-selling e-commerce company owner is looking for an ordinary social media user from India. The company has a lot of photos of its products on the website, and they schedule those to post on their social media. But due to the overcrowded working conditions, they need to delegate this task to someone else. And that's why the owner's looking for a dependable remote worker from India. If that sounds like you, then apply for this job. This can be your side hustle as it won't demand more than 12-15 hours per week. And best of all, you'll get the absolute freedom to choose your working time and place.
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