Sevron Ltd (https://www.sevron.co.uk/) provides risk assessment services to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities to your business. With many years of experience, their team can help you develop a plan to mitigate any risks that could lead to closure.
This company offers modern safety products that will help you to meet your workplace safety requirements without breaking the bank. Their COSHH risk assessment rating system ensure that your process is easy to read and understand, as well as compliant with all applicable regulations. They also offer an online storage system for safety data sheets so you can be sure that all of your documents are organised and up-to-date. Their team will also update your safety data sheets for you, so you can stay compliant with ease.
Moreover, they also provide free online COSHH training courses that are designed to help protect your staff from health and safety risks. Through these, your employees can learn about the latest workplace regulations and how they can apply them in their daily work. These courses also cover topics such as understanding and avoiding accidents, mental health awareness, and more – all of which will help you to create a safer workplace.
According to them: “Sevron has been created with the purpose of helping businesses reduce risk. To achieve this, we employ a holistic approach to what is a complicated problem. We do this by identifying the many different factors that contribute to risk; from obvious causes such as insufficient training and a lack of resources, to wider, more generalised problems, including the general misconception that health & safety is a hindrance to business”.
Finally, if you’re looking for more health and safety courses, The Knights Of Safety Academy has you covered! With access to over 212 different courses, there is something here for everyone – from first-time employees to seasoned professionals. Invest in the safety of your workforce today – with free online COSHH training courses, mental health awareness courses, and more – all available through our comprehensive platform. Make sure your staff have the tools they need to stay safe!
For more information, please visit their website at https://www.sevron.co.uk/.
About Sevron Ltd
Since 2007, Sevron Ltd has been developing innovative online solutions that help businesses reduce risk in the workplace. Our intuitive Risk and COSHH Assessment software, Safety Data Sheet management tools, and incident recording and reporting system make it easy for companies of all sizes to manage health and safety in the workplace. We're committed to making workplace safety easier for everyone, so that businesses can focus on what they do best. For questions, visit https://www.sevron.co.uk/contact-us and fill out our contact form. You can also reach us at +44(0)1772 450 920.
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