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Take A Deep Breath And Relax With Harmonic Breathing

Take A Deep Breath And Relax With Harmonic Breathing

Harmonic Breathing (https://www.harmonicbreathing.com) is proud to offer a variety of breathing meditation music tracks specifically designed for deep breathing meditation. Their music is based on harmonic vibrations that help you find peace and relaxation. With this, you can listen anywhere, anytime, and let the stresses of the day melt away.

This website provides a simple and free solution to those who want to experience the relaxation benefits of meditation without commitment. With Harmonic Breathing, you can simply breathe at a slow rate guided by the music of binaural beats, infrasonic bass, and nature sounds. The combination of these will help your body reach a state of deep relaxation with no effort.

Some of their music includes Sandwood Bay, Calm Rain, Stream of Consciousness, Relaxing River and Deep Sleep Ocean. Each song has a unique feel and sound that helps you reach a state of relaxation. Sandwood Bay Instrumental is a soothing instrumental piece designed to calm your mind and soul. The tranquil rain soundscapes in Calm Rain create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. Stream of Consciousness is a slow and dreamy soundscape that slowly takes you to a place of deep relaxation. Relaxing River is an enchanting track which offers a peaceful atmosphere and encourages you to drift off into sleep. Finally, Deep Sleep Ocean is a calming track designed to help you relax and find peace within. 

All you need to do is give Harmonic Breathing a try and see for yourself the amazing relaxation benefits. Put on your headphones, sit or lie down comfortably, and let the calming music of binaural beats and nature sounds to guide you to a place of relaxation. When you hear a rising note breathe in slowly through your nose so your stomach moves out, when you hear a falling note breathe out letting your stomach relax as you exhale. 

One of their clients, Dr. Melanie Suettman, shared: “This is a fantastic idea that will help everyone to actually do breathing exercises. Some people find it hard to keep doing breathing exercises, despite the many proven benefits. Harmonic Breathing makes it interesting, different, easier and even fun”!

For more details, feel free to head over to their official website at https://www.harmonicbreathing.com.

About Harmonic Breathing

Harmonic Breathing is a music project to help people relax by making breathing exercises easy and enjoyable. Based on the latest scientific research, music guides listeners to breathe at the perfect rate for relaxation with rising and falling notes. The experience is enhanced with binaural beats, infrasonic bass and relaxing nature sounds. For enquiries or concerns, you may fill out their contact form at https://www.harmonicbreathing.com/contact. You may also reach them on 0131 358 9775 or hi@harmonicbreathing.com. 

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