Sevron Ltd is a company that specializes in risk assessment and offers comprehensive solutions to help businesses identify, assess, and manage risk. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, their outstanding teams have the expertise and knowledge to help your business stay safe and secure.
This company has a COSHH 365 system that provides companies with effective risk assessments, enabling them to remain compliant with COSHH regulations. Their system offers time and money-saving solutions such as COSHH Risk Assessment Management, Safety Data Sheet Inventory, Risk Assessment Management and Incident Management Solution. These tools provide businesses with the ability to easily manage their COSHH compliance needs, ensuring smooth operations.
They also deliver east-to-understand and standardised risk assessments tailored to suit business needs. With features such as the ability to upload images, add custom text and create custom hazards with individual controls, they provide a comprehensive package for businesses seeking compliance. Likewise, they offer a centralised location and an efficient cloud-based system to store their risk assessment and management, and other health & safety information in one place, allowing for easy access and scalability.
In addition, the free COSHH training courses offered through the Knights of Safety Academy further help companies with their compliance needs. They have an SDS inventory linked to a large SDS database maintained by ISDSS, where users can search their SDS directly or request specific SDS from their team of SDS admins. This helps to reduce the risk in the workplace during COVID-19, while also enabling companies to be compliant with regulations.
This company is trusted by well-known companies such as Coca-Cola, The Open University, Akzo Nobel, Mitie, EDF, Rockwell Collins and more. And because the software is user-friendly and easy to navigate, it has become a popular choice for companies of all sizes who need reliable COSHH compliance solutions. With us, businesses will have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information to help them remain compliant with regulations.
According to their website: “Our vision is for a noble cause that requires innovation to drive us towards our destination. Along the way we may have those who love us and those that do not but as long as our voices are heard, we will make a difference. To get where we are going we need to have massive impact and take massive action”.
Visit https://sevron.co.uk/ to learn more about their services.
About Sevron Ltd
Sevron Ltd has developed an innovative system that helps companies produce simple and effective risk assessments for their entire business. This system makes it easy for businesses to stay fully compliant with COSHH regulations, and offers time- and money-saving solutions like COSHH Risk Assessment Management, Safety Data Sheet Inventory, Risk Assessment Management, Incident Management Solution. The company's risk assessment software is easy-to-understand, standardised, and highly visual - making it perfect for any business looking to create compliant risk assessments quickly and easily. If interested in acquiring their services, you may call them at 028 4378 0470 or fill out their contact form at https://www.sevron.co.uk/contact-us.
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